2024 Technical Seminar Agenda

  • 20 November 2024 Day 1
  • 21 November 2024 Day 2

10:45 AM 10:50 AM

Technical Seminar Day 1 Welcome Address


MC Anicha Adbul

Managing Director

EP Management & Consultancy Services


Wednesday 20 November 2024

10:45 AM - 10:50 AM

Technical Seminar Day 1 Welcome Address


MC Anicha Adbul

Managing Director, EP Management & Consultancy Services

10:50 AM 12:10 PM

Session 1: New Energies, Decarbonisation & Sustainability


Wednesday 20 November 2024

10:50 AM - 12:10 PM

Session 1: New Energies, Decarbonisation & Sustainability

10:50 AM 11:10 AM

Well Testing with Zero-Flare technology


Wednesday 20 November 2024

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

Well Testing with Zero-Flare technology

11:10 AM 11:30 AM

ESG as policy and incentive to reduce emissions


Claudia Cardoso

General Manager



Wednesday 20 November 2024

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

ESG as policy and incentive to reduce emissions


Claudia Cardoso

General Manager, SIQAS, Lda.

11:30 AM 11:50 AM

Successful Decarbonization of Drilling Fluids by Using Highly Efficient Technology and Reduced Chemical Usage, Logistics, and Casing Sections


Wednesday 20 November 2024

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Successful Decarbonization of Drilling Fluids by Using Highly Efficient Technology and Reduced Chemical Usage, Logistics, and Casing Sections

11:50 AM 12:10 PM

New Technology Qualification to Support Innovative Solutions


Francois Grimbert

Chief Executive for Sub-Saharan Region

Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore


Wednesday 20 November 2024

11:50 AM - 12:10 PM

New Technology Qualification to Support Innovative Solutions


Francois Grimbert

Chief Executive for Sub-Saharan Region, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore

12:10 PM 12:35 PM

Hydrogen Roadmaps


Dr. Waleed Khadrawy

Energy Transition, Hydrogen and Sustainability Manager

EGAS, Egypt


Wednesday 20 November 2024

12:10 PM - 12:35 PM

Hydrogen Roadmaps


Dr. Waleed Khadrawy

Energy Transition, Hydrogen and Sustainability Manager, EGAS, Egypt

12:35 PM 12:55 PM

Session 2: Downstream Infrastructure Development & Facilities Management


Wednesday 20 November 2024

12:35 PM - 12:55 PM

Session 2: Downstream Infrastructure Development & Facilities Management

12:35 PM 12:55 PM

Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Asset Integrity: The Transformative Potential of Non-Intrusive Inspection Techniques in the Oil and Gas Industry


Wednesday 20 November 2024

12:35 PM - 12:55 PM

Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Asset Integrity: The Transformative Potential of Non-Intrusive Inspection Techniques in the Oil and Gas Industry

12:55 PM 01:15 PM

Helicoid Epoxy Sleeve: Permanent Repair Solution for Leaked Conductor Casing Annulus


Wednesday 20 November 2024

12:55 PM - 01:15 PM

Helicoid Epoxy Sleeve: Permanent Repair Solution for Leaked Conductor Casing Annulus

Networking Lunch

01:15 PM - 02:00 PM

02:00 PM 03:30 PM

Session 3: People Development & Capacity Building


Wednesday 20 November 2024

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Session 3: People Development & Capacity Building

02:00 PM 02:20 PM

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Mozambique's Oil and Gas Sector: A Critical Analysis


Wednesday 20 November 2024

02:00 PM - 02:20 PM

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Mozambique's Oil and Gas Sector: A Critical Analysis

02:20 PM 02:40 PM

Is the Local Content Law the Solution for the “Mozambicanization” of Extractive Industry Operations?


Lucas Cossa

Mozambique Associate & Local Content Developer

CLC Solution


Wednesday 20 November 2024

02:20 PM - 02:40 PM

Is the Local Content Law the Solution for the “Mozambicanization” of Extractive Industry Operations?


Lucas Cossa

Mozambique Associate & Local Content Developer, CLC Solution

02:40 PM 03:00 PM

Managing Indigenous Socio-cultural Factors in Training Young African Trainees for Management of Integrated Energy Systems


Wednesday 20 November 2024

02:40 PM - 03:00 PM

Managing Indigenous Socio-cultural Factors in Training Young African Trainees for Management of Integrated Energy Systems

03:00 PM 03:30 PM

Supporting Healthy and Sustainable Workplaces for Communities


Isabelle Hagner

Director of Public Health Middle East Africa

International SOS


Wednesday 20 November 2024

03:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Supporting Healthy and Sustainable Workplaces for Communities


Isabelle Hagner

Director of Public Health Middle East Africa, International SOS

Networking Coffee Break

03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

04:00 PM 05:30 PM

Session 4: Gas & LNG Projects & Technologies & Developments


Wednesday 20 November 2024

04:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Session 4: Gas & LNG Projects & Technologies & Developments

04:00 PM 04:20 PM

1st FLNG development in Mozambique: real-time monitoring & insights supporting project Operations


Benildo Balate

Petroleum Engineer


Marilia Sitoe

Subsea Engineer



Wednesday 20 November 2024

04:00 PM - 04:20 PM

1st FLNG development in Mozambique: real-time monitoring & insights supporting project Operations


Benildo Balate

Petroleum Engineer, ERB

Marilia Sitoe

Subsea Engineer, ERB

04:20 PM 04:40 PM

An Ammonite Biostratigraphy Framework for Mozambique


Albert Robb

SSHE Manager



Wednesday 20 November 2024

04:20 PM - 04:40 PM

An Ammonite Biostratigraphy Framework for Mozambique


Albert Robb

SSHE Manager, ExxonMobil

04:40 PM 05:30 PM

The implementation of oil and gas projects and their impact on the development of the energy matrix and social economic of Mozambique


Elísio Cuamba

Comptroller & Project Management; CEO & Founder

YALOG Young African Leaders in Oil and Gas


Wednesday 20 November 2024

04:40 PM - 05:30 PM

The implementation of oil and gas projects and their impact on the development of the energy matrix and social economic of Mozambique


Elísio Cuamba

Comptroller & Project Management; CEO & Founder, YALOG Young African Leaders in Oil and Gas

05:30 PM 05:30 PM

Summit Day One Close


Wednesday 20 November 2024

05:30 PM - 05:30 PM

Summit Day One Close

09:30 AM 09:45 AM

Technical Seminar Day 2 Welcome Address


Thursday 21 November 2024

09:30 AM - 09:45 AM

Technical Seminar Day 2 Welcome Address

09:45 AM 10:05 AM

Session 5

Manufacturing & Industrialisation

  • Innovating Mozambique's Energy System: An Industrial Cluster Approach Informed by Trinidad and
    Tobago's Experience

Winston O'Young

Senior Policy & International Relations Officer

Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Energy & Energy Industries


Thursday 21 November 2024

09:45 AM - 10:05 AM

Session 5

Manufacturing & Industrialisation

  • Innovating Mozambique's Energy System: An Industrial Cluster Approach Informed by Trinidad and
    Tobago's Experience


Winston O'Young

Senior Policy & International Relations Officer, Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Energy & Energy Industries

10:05 AM 10:25 AM

Session 6

Energy Markets & Project Finance

  • Local Content System for Service Companies in Mozambique

Thursday 21 November 2024

10:05 AM - 10:25 AM

Session 6

Energy Markets & Project Finance

  • Local Content System for Service Companies in Mozambique


10:25 AM 11:00 AM

Session 7

Digitalisation & New Technologies

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Cycle Time Reduction in Subsurface Workflows: Integration of Seismic
    Inversion, Well logs, Core data, and Geological Concepts for Sub seismic Reservoir Characterization

Thursday 21 November 2024

10:25 AM - 11:00 AM

Session 7

Digitalisation & New Technologies

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Cycle Time Reduction in Subsurface Workflows: Integration of Seismic
    Inversion, Well logs, Core data, and Geological Concepts for Sub seismic Reservoir Characterization

Networking Coffee

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 AM 12:50 PM

Session 8: Renewable Energy Development & Projects


Thursday 21 November 2024

11:30 AM - 12:50 PM

Session 8: Renewable Energy Development & Projects

11:30 AM 11:50 AM

Producing Green Hydrogen for export and local use, with the exclusive utilization of Green Energy


Thursday 21 November 2024

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Producing Green Hydrogen for export and local use, with the exclusive utilization of Green Energy

11:50 AM 12:10 PM

Assessment of the energy potential of non-carbonized briquettes produced using peanut shells in comparison to the commonly used firewood in bakeries and barbecue restaurants in the province of Maputo


Hamida Mazive


Briquete Eco Energies Moz


Thursday 21 November 2024

11:50 AM - 12:10 PM

Assessment of the energy potential of non-carbonized briquettes produced using peanut shells in comparison to the commonly used firewood in bakeries and barbecue restaurants in the province of Maputo


Hamida Mazive

CEO, Briquete Eco Energies Moz

12:10 PM 12:30 PM

Importance of Grid Impact Studies on Utility Scale Solar PV Projects


Noah Cherera

Senior Electrical Engineer

Harmattan Renewables


Thursday 21 November 2024

12:10 PM - 12:30 PM

Importance of Grid Impact Studies on Utility Scale Solar PV Projects


Noah Cherera

Senior Electrical Engineer, Harmattan Renewables

12:30 PM 12:50 PM

Project Energy-on-the-Roof: An Approach of Integrating the Solar Photovoltaic Energy in Large Urban Centres in Mozambique


Marvin Canda

Researcher – Electrical Engineer



Thursday 21 November 2024

12:30 PM - 12:50 PM

Project Energy-on-the-Roof: An Approach of Integrating the Solar Photovoltaic Energy in Large Urban Centres in Mozambique


Marvin Canda

Researcher – Electrical Engineer, Self-employed

  • 20 November 2024 Day 1
  • 21 November 2024 Day 2